Sunday, 21 June 2015

Letter G Week Reveiw

I planned to do "G" in one week but we were busy loving life so it ended up being two weeks and we still didn't do all the bins. Sweets all of a sudden was so excited about activities so I guess I better get a plan for her too.

We had an excellent week! We went to Zumba, the spray park had a lunch date with my Mom (Gramma), the park with friends, swimming lessons and partied with Jason's Grandma (Gigi). Whew. In between all of that we did two of our Tot Boxes.

The first bin being on Thursday... whoops.

Contents of "G" Box
Grasshopper Figurine
Die Cut Letters
Foam Girl
Foam Glove
Giraffe Figurine
Goose Figurine
Goat Figurine
Gorilla Figurine
 Sweets was attempted the shape sorter by herself. She was doing pretty good. The next day I brought it out again for her and helped her put them in the right place. I mostly had to point to the matching shape and help her pop it in. Bee saw me helping her and he wanted to help her. He is the sweetest little boy. Such a wonderful brother. I am glad that I could catch their cute moments on the camera. Bee held the shape in the hole and had Sweets pop it in.

I know they are just little babes but I am looking forward to watching their relationship grow and develop. I love how they work together and treat each other. 

I found this number game randomly in our shed. We are many years away from math games but I was able to adapt this board into color matching. Bee did okay. I redirected frequently or I let him place them and then I removed the misplaced ones for him to do again. I give him a limited amount of rings at a time then give him more when he got them in the correct spot.

Gem a Dot. Rocked it!

Reading is exhausting and crazy cute!

Bee was not interested in the felt dolls, that was until Sweets wanted them. Then they were cool. He stole them all and lined them up. He tried to put them out of Sweets reach but unfortunately she can climb onto the couch now. Uh oh.

I love watching Bee's mind turn. He picked up all the balls while holding other balls. It was actually a great skill to develop. He reminded me of the power in play. There are things that I would never teach him but he figured them out all by himself. Such a smarty pants.

We love these sensory balls. We use them all the time.
All. The. Time.


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