Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Work Box Wednesday

Name Recognition

Cut and Paste Flag Craft

Wednesday could not be contained in a box.
 Sensory bin about our Province, Alberta

Green Play-Dough with Green Tools (still....)

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Week Reveiw

Last week we through our plan out of the window. Oops, but not really.
 We still practiced drawing circles and Bee is getting much better. For the longest time he did not enjoy drawing. He would scribble 3 lines and be done with it. Now he will draw for over 15 minutes. Its such a huge win for us.

Bee is finally starting to develop his own story lines. He makes the train sounds and has them pick up things and drives animals around. I love his creative side.

We had a whole day of water fun. Swimming lessons in the morning and we had a friend over in the afternoon. We filled up the pool and brought out the balls. I was going to put the sprinkler on in the yard but my hubby is so strong and we couldn't get the nozzle off. So I found a wrench and Bee got to use real tools for the first time. He was beaming. Eventually we did loosen it and were able to get the sprinkler running.

He was so proud of himself!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Workbox Wednesday

 Train Imagination Play
Circle Drawing Prompt
Side Walk Chalk and Bubbles
Sensory Bin with "H" Objects
Green Play-Dough with Green Tools
Look for our update this weekend!

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Guess Who's One?

Sweet's had a birthday!!
I can't believe she is one. Time has flown and I am so excited for the future!
Stay tuned for more activities for kids age one and up.
I haven't decided yet if I will set up her daily workboxes but she will definitely have some directed play.
Let me know if there is anything you would like to see specifically.
I love comments!!

Letter G Week Reveiw

I planned to do "G" in one week but we were busy loving life so it ended up being two weeks and we still didn't do all the bins. Sweets all of a sudden was so excited about activities so I guess I better get a plan for her too.

We had an excellent week! We went to Zumba, the spray park had a lunch date with my Mom (Gramma), the park with friends, swimming lessons and partied with Jason's Grandma (Gigi). Whew. In between all of that we did two of our Tot Boxes.

The first bin being on Thursday... whoops.

Contents of "G" Box
Grasshopper Figurine
Die Cut Letters
Foam Girl
Foam Glove
Giraffe Figurine
Goose Figurine
Goat Figurine
Gorilla Figurine
 Sweets was attempted the shape sorter by herself. She was doing pretty good. The next day I brought it out again for her and helped her put them in the right place. I mostly had to point to the matching shape and help her pop it in. Bee saw me helping her and he wanted to help her. He is the sweetest little boy. Such a wonderful brother. I am glad that I could catch their cute moments on the camera. Bee held the shape in the hole and had Sweets pop it in.

I know they are just little babes but I am looking forward to watching their relationship grow and develop. I love how they work together and treat each other. 

I found this number game randomly in our shed. We are many years away from math games but I was able to adapt this board into color matching. Bee did okay. I redirected frequently or I let him place them and then I removed the misplaced ones for him to do again. I give him a limited amount of rings at a time then give him more when he got them in the correct spot.

Gem a Dot. Rocked it!

Reading is exhausting and crazy cute!

Bee was not interested in the felt dolls, that was until Sweets wanted them. Then they were cool. He stole them all and lined them up. He tried to put them out of Sweets reach but unfortunately she can climb onto the couch now. Uh oh.

I love watching Bee's mind turn. He picked up all the balls while holding other balls. It was actually a great skill to develop. He reminded me of the power in play. There are things that I would never teach him but he figured them out all by himself. Such a smarty pants.

We love these sensory balls. We use them all the time.
All. The. Time.


Friday, 19 June 2015

Keeping Organized. Everything Together.

If there is one thing I know it is that life hits at the same time.
Easily life can spiral out of control. Papers everywhere. Appointments all over the calendar. Details lost in the shuffle. Surprise birthdays. Chaos ensues. Ahh! I feel your pain Momma's.
Meet my life saver.  
Pre-Order today!
 (Christian, Simple and Teen planners also available)
I would be sooo so lost without this book.

Its almost hard for me to contain my excitement. Whenever someone asks me about my planner my mouth just runs away and leaves my brain somewhere in the dust.

Let's talk about the weekly layouts. The days are separated into three vertical categories for you to use at your discretion. Do you have a million appointments and places to be at specific times then I suggest separating the categories by morning, afternoon and evening or writing in a timeline on the side. Is your life project based? Use boxes for specific tasks. One of the tricks to large projects I find is to break them down into smaller tasks. The extra blocks really make that process easy. I separate my categories into schedule, daily to do list (tot school activities belong here) and memories (the little things my babes do). There are boxes for lists. I have a running to do list, not day specific tasks and a section for week prep. Week prep is mostly tasks that I need to have in the back of my mind to ponder and brainstorm. This is also the category where I write what is coming up in the next week such as birthdays, parties, etc. Lots of space for adding quotes or special thoughts. One the bottom of each day is another spot for whatever you want. I have seen it used as an exercise journal or weight tracker. Mine is for meal planning. Meal planning has changed my stress level when it comes to dinner. Love it! I really love the daily checklist of simple duties. The planner comes with prayer and scriptures printed in. I added in vitamins and sink. Sink because I hate dishes but I feel much better the next day if I wake up to a clean sink. So every night I clean out my sink. This concept is part of the Fly Lady routine. The only concept that stuck for me....

Goals setting pages!!! Every month starts off with a relationship goals page. No this is not marriage specific. This monthly page focuses on many relationships and how you plan to strengthen them. Honestly I don't use this page as much as I ought to. I do however love the monthly planning spread. It has prompts to help with planning. Seriously a life saver. There are categories that have space to write your action plans. Sooo great. Budget space is also provided! This is all on a two page spread. Seriously amazing. You can see just about everything pertaining to the month in one spot.

 One thing I love about this planner is that you can easily change the pages into whatever you need. There is a two page spread for religious observances and planning. With my kids being so little I don't really have a need for these pages and with a busy 1 year old I simply cannot take notes during our church meetings. Instead of letting them go to waste I broke out my white out and washi tape and changed them to suit my needs. I used one page for my calling in the Young Women Organization and the other page for our online business. Perfect! Lots of space for exactly what I need and it cut out two extra books I needed to have readily available.

There are extra pages for notes and a monthly "event planner." Love it!! These are in every month. Months with a holiday have a planning spread too. December is amazing!! Christmas is often chaotic if you don't have a plan. Have no fear this planner will help you keep your décor, cards, baking and gifting all on track for the season. AMAZING!

In the back of the planner is where things really get magical. If there wasn't already magic. Two Words. Home & Family. There is a section devoted to collecting information for five people (kids) and one for your spouse. I LOVE THESE!! I only have two kids so I changed 3 pages for our extended family. What a relief when it comes to holidays and birthdays. I make mental notes when we are out and about then write my thoughts down when I get home. I write what people are interested in, what they are reading, hobbies, shirt size and some of their favorite things. That way when I am out shopping I can just flip to the back of my book and I have gift ideas ready to go. I do the same with my kids but I mostly use that section for when others ask what my kids want or need. They grow so fast I can barely remember what size shoes they wear. Life is easier when I write specifics down.

As a young family we don't have a ton of rules yet but it wont be far down the road. There is a page for rules, reasons and consequences. I love this idea because I believe it would help me stay consistent but also help my hubs to be on the same page too.

Need some extra help managing money? They have just the spot for you.
Planning for an emergency? Got you covered.
Cleaning schedule? Check.

Who knew that my whole life could be contained into one book.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Workbox Wednesday

Gem a Dot

Flannel Dolls


Sensory Bin with "G" Objects
 Play-Dough with Green Tools
Check back on Sunday for an update. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Kid's Up. Now What?

Are you curious about our daily routine. Well let me tell you.
Every day is different but I do try and stick to a routine.
  • Wake up! I am not an early bird Mum. My son wakes me up in the morning because I am a princess and obviously need a kiss to wake up from my favorite prince. If Bee comes in early I just steal cuddles from him and let him read. Often I have both kids snuggling me til I'm ready to face the day.
  • Breakfast. Bee gets the cereal out and sets our table. (He is 2 . 5) During breakfast Bee reads "The Friend" (religious children's magazine) while I study my scriptures and look over our plans for the day.
  • Unofficial reading time. I let Bee and Sweets play with no direction. It just so happens that Bee wants me to read to him frequently. Sweets doesn't like to be left out so she joins us. I am working on establishing an introduction to the day routine. The plan is to read our books of the week, sing songs, rhymes and talk about what we are doing that day.
  • Sweets nap time. (1.5 hours) While I am putting Sweets down Bee gets his morning snack.
  • Tot Box Time!! The Tot Box takes anywhere between 10 min - all day. This is just when I introduce the box and show Bee what he is supposed to do.
  • Sweets wakes up and then the two kids play while I make lunch and get some chores done. Bee usually helps with laundry, sweeping or rinsing dishes.
  • Lunch.
  • Tucker out time. Aka run those kids around so they are tired and need an afternoon nap. We usually spend this time outside, a play date or having a living room dance party.
  • Sweets always has an afternoon nap. (2 hours) Bee has a quiet time. I have him stay in his bed and let him read books to himself. If I am tired then I take a nap too. I just have Bee read me stories in my bed. If I'm not tired and Bee doesn't want to nap after 20 minutes then we play with our Tot Box again or watch a show. I need a break time too.
  • When Daddy gets home it is snack time for everyone.
  • Playtime with Daddy! Jason usually either takes the kids outside again or they wrestle and tickle each other in the living room.
  • Dinner.
  • Some days we have a bath but if we aren't dirty I don't worry about it. They get dirty often enough to bathe.
  • Change into our PJ's
  • Read our scriptures and say our prayers.
  • We end our night with singing and rocking in the rocking chair. Yes, some nights I rock both kids at the same time
That's our typical day!!

Our routine is not based on a clock however if you, as a reader, would like a rough estimate of our timeline I would happily add that for you.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Letter F Week Reveiw

 A few weeks ago we tried this same activity.... I printed off a block letter and asked Bee to put gems inside the lines. Well he didn't really cooperate. I couldn't figure it out then but now it makes sense to me. Bee is literal, orderly and very practical. Gems are round, they don't fit in boxes. Gems fit into dots. Silly Mom. That's why the Do-A-Dot printables were perfect. He placed the gems exactly in the spaces. I often try and push Bee's boundaries and help him overcome his natural instincts however this activity utilized Bee's strengths. Our goal was letter recognition and we succeeded. We will definitely be doing this again!
Tuesday we colored a picture of a foot. It opened the door for us to talk about feet. We jumped, skipped and counted our toes. If I was organized I would have found the "Foot Book" by Dr. Suess.

Tuesday was also filled with Mr. Potato Head. Another great opportunity to talk about bodies/feet. These are great for imaginary play and good for many ages. Sweets loved them as much as Bee did. She couldn't put the pieces in particular holes but once Bee built the character then she loved to hold them and roll them around.

 If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Potato Head toys I will give you a quick explanation. The body is shaped like a potato and there are holes for arms, legs, nose, eyes, hair and feet. You mix and match various parts to create your character. Goofy eyes, high heels, party hat, cat ears, etc. Whatever you like. There are multiple sizes of potatoes and accessories. We mostly have the small ones because I prefer to keep like toys together. Smaller pieces means I can fit more in the designated box.

Bee is great with beading, lacing not quite there yet. It is a similar skill but one step up. Bee gets the lace into the holes easily but switching sides and making a line of stiches is just a bit out of reach still.

Our balcony is one of our favorite places to play. Mostly because it has our fire station, plastic pony and its just off my kitchen. A win for me is a win for the babes too. I love being able to be productive while they play outside. Our backyard is great and fun but the kids are too little to play out there by themselves. If the door into our house was inside the gate it would be a different story. I cant hear them from inside and don't want to leave the gate open in case they make a run for the road. So balcony it is.
 Bee spent a lot of his day putting animals (little people) into the bus in the fire station then rescuing them. Sweets spent the day repositioning them. Its good for them.

Sensory bin this week was lentils and the "F" box contents.
 Contents of "F" Box
Die Cut Letters
Letters from Bananagrams
Frog Clip
Foam Flip Flops
Foam Frogs
Foam Fish
Foam Letters
Foam Flags
Foam Football
Foam Fence
Fish Figurine
Frog Figurine
Fly Figurine
*If your wondering where I have found most
of my miscellaneous letter goodies they are from surprise
prize packs at the dollar store.

While Bee played with lentils, Sweets was reading with me. I introduced her to many animals. We talked about their colors, sounds they make and pointed them out individually.

Friday = Food Day. Our food bin is regularly used by both kids. Who doesn't love food? Bee's Auntie taught him a magic trick a few weeks ago. She showed him how to eat a banana and pull it out of someone's ear. You might not catch that right off the bat with this picture. However this is Bee eating the banana prior to pulling it out of Sweet's ear. Not exactly where I was going with this bin but he had a blast.


We also played a lot of farm this week. If the animals weren't stuck in the bus inside the fire station then they were in the field. Logical really. My favorite part was at the end of the night on Friday. It was bedtime so we were rounding the babes up. Bee had a meltdown (not my favorite part), when I finally got him calmed down he told me that the animals needed to sleep. They were all over the floor, that's not where they sleep. He gathered them all up and put them like this. Then he sang them a little tune to help them fall asleep. So adorable and thoughtful. He melts my heart frequently. After that he knew it was his turn and cooperated with our regular nighttime routine.

Our main hurtle this week was toilet training. Ugh! I swear it will never happen. I have almost lost hope. Oy vey. We are struggling. If you have any thoughtful tips blogosphere please help a Mum out! For now just enjoy our diaper/underwear pics. Between the heat and toilet training it is just not worth getting fully dressed.

Before I forget let's get to the fish. My hubby has a rather large fish hobby which came in handy. I'm sure that we will often use fish as part of a study because it opens many doors. This week we focused on saying "Fish" and counting the fish. Previously we have briefly introduced many topics such as the circle of life and patience. Jason has collected fish eggs, separated them into a different tanks and we watched them grow into fry. They are still growing and have not been released into the main tank but they will be ready in a few weeks. During these phases Jason makes sure to tell the kids what is happening and points out changes in the fish. We also have a turtle, Max, who occasionally eats a fish. Obviously we have not taught about predators yet but its an option further down the road. Fish have died of natural causes so we used this as an opportunity to talk to Bee about death. I know he is very little. We feel that if we discuss serious topics now that later on they wont be that big of a deal. Chemistry could also be added into our fish study. Fish waste creates ammonia which "pollutes" the water. To have a healthy tank you have to constantly maintain the various levels. There are many paths that could be pursued which allows you to follow your child's interests.

I know that our fish theme way above tot school level but it was helpful for me since we are still learning and researching various methods of home schooling. This method of learning is similar to unschooling. Unschooling is basically learning all you can about a topic that comes into your life. I am not 100% on board with this method but I can see how you can learn many subjects from one topic/theme. I firmly believe that people will excel when they are self motivated and passionate about a topic. I hope to fuel my kids interests while still helping them become well rounded individuals.
Weekly Booklist: First ABC, Bob Books E/F, The Foot Book

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