Tuesday, 29 September 2015

River City Gymnastics

In Lethbridge a new indoor playground and gymnastics center opened up.
We went to check things out and had a blast! They are still building up the equipment that will be available but they had lots of ride on toys, sports equipment and of course gymnastic equipment.

 Everyone had a blast! We plan on going to play frequently and maybe even attending a class or two.
If your in Southern Alberta check out River City Gymnastics.
You wont regret it!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Week Reveiw

We are readers in our home which has been such a blessing. One of those blessings is watching my son read to his little sister as he put her to sleep. I am so blest!

What would you do with a GIANT box?!? We made a reading cave! We piled in heaps of books and blankets then dug out a headlight and read for days aka weeks. It was so much fun but it got so stuffy and hot in there. The tub box also took up half of my living room so it got old fast.

 Nothing says laundry day like the kids piled on my bed playing with the letter boxes. They don't really help me but they like to be close and stay out of trouble.

Go Fish with Grampa!! We mostly just play match but it is great practise. Bee also made a special friend, his pet rock. Every little boy needs a rock.

Tickle fights and a little ukulele with Auntie Jenna.
Yet another good week.