Friday, 11 December 2015

It's a Birthday!!

We've had a birthday shout hooray!
Bee is three and he is so excited about it. Whenever he is asked a question the majority of his answers are three. Name, three. Favorite color, three. What are we doing, three. I'm hoping his enthusiasm doesn't last very long. 

For his birthday we did a birthday interview so that we can remember all of the cute things that he says and thinks. I am hoping that we have started a new tradition.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween!

We loved our costumes this year! We always try and incorporate a theme into our fancy costumes.

This year we went as the Little Mermaid!!

The kids went as Flounder and Sebastian.
Jason and I took our true form as royalty, Prince Eric and Ariel.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Halloween Week Reveiw

Okay so I was terrible at taking pictures this week. Oops.....
We made Jello and Bee did so good at mixing. He was so proud of himself. Don't worry I did hand over hand with him and stopped just for a quick pic. We used these adorable molds but then the Jello wouldn't come out in the cute shapes. I thought I would just have to flip it but that was a no go.....
Both kids did great with our fine motor transferring. I set this up just for Bee but Sweets had so much fun. I was impressed with her concentration. Though out the week both kids kept coming back to this bin. I'm glad that they loved it!

I bought a foam Halloween set at the local dollar store and made these adorable flags. I am hoping to add more flags every year until we have a full banner. It will be an adorable reminder of how much the kids have improved year to year. We just used foam stickers this year. I offered other supplies too but I let them decide what they actually wanted to use. Hopefully next year we will get more creative.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Workbox Wednesday

Fine Motor Pom Pom Transfer (2.5 yr)

 Goofy Eyes and Vampire Teeth Imagination Play (1 yr & 2.5 yr)
Fine Motor Hallween Stickers and Drawing (1 yr & 2.5 yr)

 Don't Eat Pete Game (1 yr & 2.5 yr)
 Pumpkin Shadow Matching (2.5 yr)

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

River City Gymnastics

In Lethbridge a new indoor playground and gymnastics center opened up.
We went to check things out and had a blast! They are still building up the equipment that will be available but they had lots of ride on toys, sports equipment and of course gymnastic equipment.

 Everyone had a blast! We plan on going to play frequently and maybe even attending a class or two.
If your in Southern Alberta check out River City Gymnastics.
You wont regret it!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Week Reveiw

We are readers in our home which has been such a blessing. One of those blessings is watching my son read to his little sister as he put her to sleep. I am so blest!

What would you do with a GIANT box?!? We made a reading cave! We piled in heaps of books and blankets then dug out a headlight and read for days aka weeks. It was so much fun but it got so stuffy and hot in there. The tub box also took up half of my living room so it got old fast.

 Nothing says laundry day like the kids piled on my bed playing with the letter boxes. They don't really help me but they like to be close and stay out of trouble.

Go Fish with Grampa!! We mostly just play match but it is great practise. Bee also made a special friend, his pet rock. Every little boy needs a rock.

Tickle fights and a little ukulele with Auntie Jenna.
Yet another good week.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Week Reveiw

 Sweets loves coloring, well her version of coloring. I'm just glad she's enjoying herself.
We spent some time learning about the color red. Play dough is always a favorite but this week we took it one step further with our play dough man. I made him a heart and we talked about our body parts how some are on the outside and some are inside our bodies. The heart was an easy introduction to internal organs because you can hear a heartbeat. Bee took turns listening to both Sweets and I. It was an adorable moment.
Sweets is getting much much better with shapes. She still needs some direction occasionally but she understand the concept.
Strength training!
They zoomed all over the house. The carpet was trickier but it didn't stop Bee.


These two make such a great team. I was working with Sweets to get the pegs into the holes. When she had them arranged then Bee nailed them back down. It is amazing watching these two play. I can't wait to watch these two grow and learn together. 

We have a little musician in our house! She is always playing on something but now she has discovered he joy of pots and pans. I maybe shouldn't have taught her this but honestly I like a little company in the kitchen.

This moment was another favorite. Bee was bringing me food, lots and lots of play food. We store the food in the living room, where I was sitting, but Bee kept running into the kitchen then delivering me his gourmet meals. I snuck into the kitchen to see what he was doing and he had one of his pans on the burner and a spatula. He was frying up everything for me. I also love his ingenious make shift stool.


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Work Box Wednesday

Coloring (1 yr)

 Coloring (2 . 5 yr)
 Sensory Bin with "H" Objects (2 . 5 yr)
 Sensory Balls and Shapes (1 yr)
 Red Color Recognition (2 . 5 yrs)
 Mr. Potato Head (1 yr)
Name Recognition and Lacing (2 . 5 yrs)
Lock Board (1 yr)
Dominoes (2 . 5 yrs)
Shape Sorter and Ribbon (1 yr)

Monday, 10 August 2015

Finally a Calendar Station!!

I hit up the back to school sales and organized our freezer into our calendar station.
Simple yet satisfied.
Everyday after we have breakfast and get dressed for the day we are going to talk about which day it is. We will look out our window and see the weather and discuss it. The calendar for Tot school is for my quick reference but also to help me know what is coming up so I can be prepared.

I need to get the months, days and numbers laminated before I let the kids change the date. Bee loves to spin the arrows for the weather already. He is always telling me that it is windy outside and being in Southern Alberta, he is normally right.